I am weak! lol
I have given in to the hype and made my own laundry detergent.
It wasn't even two months ago that I told my husband, " I've never had any desire to make my own laundry detergent". I remember the conversation. We were in the car.
BUT EVERYONE'S DOING IT! Could I sound any more like a tween? Obviously, not everyone is doing it, but it's becoming more and more common. Supposedly it works well, and saves a TON of money. I saw a breakdown on how much money you save by doing this and if I remember correctly, after making six batches you save around $70. We spent that much getting into the circus this past weekend. Buying laundry detergent in the store OR going to the circus with my family and watching my little girl have the time of her life??? There's no contest! Even if the store bought stuff smells heavenly.... lol
I used the recipe that I found here, however I used Fels Naptha soap. I didn't have the time or patience to order any special soap online.
Right now, my detergent is sitting on top of the washer doing its cooling thing. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I'll post after I've used it and let you know how it worked. My plan is to use this detergent, but still use the fabric softener (I like Downy) so hopefully our clothes still smell nice and fresh.
Alright, I can't let myself go without showing you where they break down how much you will save. If you care to have a look, here it is!
Happy Wednesday! We're more than halfway to the weekend! :-)
P.S Because no one else warns you... my eyes are burning from the melting soap! Open a window or two if you attempt to make this! :-)
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