Saturday, March 10, 2012

I Spy with a Twist

Got a child and need some entertainment for said child???  Here's an idea!  I'll call it I Spy with a Twist.  It's super easy, doesn't cost anything, and will provide entertainment for hours.  Literally.  My son wanted to play it over, and over, and over....I'll stop there, but I could keep going.  :-)

How it works:  The little one gets a color card, then they run to the other side of the room and pick an object that matches the color on the card.  They run back to you, give you their item & card.  They get a new color card.... and repeat.  Simple!  

How I prepared: I cut small "cards" out of different colored card stock and wrote the name of the color on the card.   I then gathered all kinds of items that were the colors we would need.  I tried to mix it up and get objects of different sizes and materials.  I just chucked all of these into a big pile on one side of the room and we were ready!  Easy, easy, easy!

I handed the cards to my son (his lil sis played too, but he had to help her) and then cheered him on as he ran to the other side of the room and picked out his object.  Then I cheered him back over to me.  This was good because it also allowed him to get some energy out before naptime!  I made sure that there were multiple items to choose from for each color.  He actually did awesome with this game.

As I write I imagine you can you do variations with this game depending on where your child is developmentally.  My son is working on his colors so this was perfect for us.  For older children you could put letters on your cards and make them pick objects that start with the letter. Or use numbers and let the child get that number of objects.

Happy Playing!

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