Friday, March 9, 2012

Homemade Baby Wipes

So, earlier in the week I went to grab a wipe refill and there were none!  I know my husband just bought a large pack, but I had no idea where they would be!  With a two  year old and a one year old, wipes are very much needed in this house!  This was the perfect opportunity for me to make something I had been wanting to try....

....homemade baby wipes!

At first the thought seemed a little to "frugal" for me, but then I thought can you really ever be tooo money conscience???  Besides we already had all of the ingredients... it couldn't hurt to try them out.

The recipe I used was from the Duggar book, "The Duggars: 20 and Counting".  She's gotta know a little something after than many kids right?

Here is what we used:
  • Half a roll of paper towels ( Just cut the whole thing in half so they basically look like toilet paper rolls.  Mrs. Duggar said the only kind that work are Bounty... that worked out well for us since that's what we happened to have.)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tbs of rubbing alcohol
  • 2 tbs of baby oil 
My Helperoos assisted of course.  Here's what we did:
  1. Cut the paper towel roll in half (just a little messy). Place in large bowl
  2. Mix water, alcohol and baby oil in separate bowl
  3. Pour over paper towel roll and let soak for 30 minutes.  
  4. Remove cardboard roll from middle.  And they are ready!
Mrs. Duggar suggested putting them in an empty (and well cleaned) one gallon ice cream bucket with an x shaped slit cut into the lid for easy dispensing.  We didn't have this so I just used an old Huggies wipe container.  

Of course there are some pros and cons to the wipes.  I personally like them, however they are a bit different.  They are oily, have way more moisture (they drip once you get toward the middle), and they break more easily.  I feel like they actually cleaned better though... it took less wipes to get through an episode of #2.  They ONLY wipes that we have been able to use on our daughter were Pampers Sensitive, everything else just irritated her really really bad.  These didn't!  A super plus!   

I am going to continue making these and keeping them on hand for my use with the kids, but my hubby is a "Pampers snob" (his words lol) and doesn't care for our new wallet-friendly version :-).  At least this cuts down on the amount of Pamper wipes we have to purchase!

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