Last week, on the first day of Spring (yay!), we did a little rock art. My son wanted to paint... he LOVES to paint. So we switched it up by finding some rocks to decorate.
We now have pretty little decorations for our one and only house plant! It is the only plant that has survived my BLACK thumb.
These are my two rocks. I just used a sharpie to add some words. My sons rocks are a bit more colorful. He used every color we had on each rock lol.
Easy, fun little project to liven up your plant and keep the kids entertained for a bit. :-)
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Brand new day
It's been an heart wrenching, and heart lifting day for me. During church this morning I came to the heartbreaking realization that I have never accepted Jesus into my heart. I did that today. I prayed that God would open my heart, allow me to accept His gift (of salvation) that he has freely given me, and to take away the heavy burdens I carry.
This song was sung... and it was exactly what I needed:
I went back and forth about writing this post... part of me didn't want to write something so personal... but I think someone out there may come across it just when they need to. Plus, I hope you can be happy with me! I warn you.... it is long. lol
I am not positive, but part of me wants to say that it is almost as dangerous to grow up in church as it is to have never been exposed to God, church, Salvation. It may be more dangerous... this is a deep subject and I'd have to give it more thought. I'm sure people would argue either way. I'll just start out with my story....
For as long as I can remember, I have gone to church. Many people share their testimonies and can give an exact time when they first heard of Jesus and salvation. They have a life altering moment where they turn their lives over and they never look back. I never had that. It seems that I've always known.
I was baptized when I was around 9. I barely remember the experience and I'm pretty sure I only did it cause I wanted to be baptized like everyone else. In all my years, I don't think I've ever believed that I was baptized for the right reasons.
When I was 15, my friend, her brother, and I went to a Christian summer camp. It was awesome. During one of the events we all gathered around a huge campfire... people shared their hearts, people gave their hearts to Jesus, people stood to be prayed with. I didn't stand, but I clearly remember wanting to. I have always been self-conscious... and during this campfire time I realized that God is all that matters. No one else's opinion matters in all the world. Nothing else matters (in the end) except God and an individuals relationship with him! I felt great. I felt free and open. I acted differently, because for a while I really lived like that was all that mattered. This is the time that I have always believed that I was saved. That was my testimony.
Then, enter the real world when I left the shelter (figurative) of home. Through high school and college I strayed. Besides my own admission that I was a Christian, no one would have guessed. I will not go into detail, because all that is not important. I will only say that I acted in ways that only God and I know. I lost my way in college. When I think back on my college days, I honestly don't think I was in my right mind. I pretty much quit college, and was forced to go home and tell my parents that they would not be seeing me graduate. It was all very traumatic. During a church service after I was back home, the pastor gave a message on being a cracked clay pot. The potter must break down the clay, moisten and remold the pot. That was me, I cried as I did a lot in those days. I thought, "That's what has happened. God had to break me all the way down and now he's building me back up. I strayed so far, this was the only way he could fix me."
From that time on, I was convinced I was changed. I really got into church, being active and serving. I listened to only Christian music. I stopped doing things I had done in the past. I really was trying to be a good Christian. It wasn't an act. I have struggled with being myself though. Around my church family, I would struggle between just letting go and being myself and being secure in the fact that I was saved even if I didn't say all the right things. I felt I had to act and be perfect. I wasn't of course, and I was constantly letting myself down. Every Sunday, when our pastor would give the invitation, I would say the prayer silently. Just in case. One day, as I was talking to my husband (obviously years have gone by at this point :-), I told him this whole story. He told me that I needed to be saved. I told him he was crazy....but inside I thought maybe he was right. But I was saved right? How could I not be? Sometimes after that he would nudge me during the invitation, but I would smile at him and nudge back as if he were joking. What would everyone think if after all this time I wasn't saved? What will my parents think? Don't judge.... I'm just telling you the truth! This is how my mind worked!
Right now we are looking for a new church since we just moved back to NC. We tried out a new one this morning. We decided to try this one because 1) they looked as though they had recently expanded their building which means they were growing and 2) it was close to our house. Before church, I looked up their website really quick and it reminded me of the last two churches we tried since we've been here and I decided I didn't want to try that church anymore. However, through a series of events we ended up going to this church anyways. I got out of our van still not wanting to go. It was only a few minutes into the praise and worship that my mind started reeling thought after thought after thought. Until my ultimate realization. I needed Jesus IN my heart, not my mind. That is the reason I am never satisfied. That is why I am constantly exhausted. I try to control everything and when I can't I break down. My load was TOO heavy and I needed to give it all away. I wanted that joy that comes from knowing that I am redeemed. ALL my sins are washed away and I don't have to think back on what might have been, beating myself up for bad decisions. Jesus is there waiting for me to just let Him love me! I just had to finally let go!
This song was sung... and it was exactly what I needed:
I went back and forth about writing this post... part of me didn't want to write something so personal... but I think someone out there may come across it just when they need to. Plus, I hope you can be happy with me! I warn you.... it is long. lol
I am not positive, but part of me wants to say that it is almost as dangerous to grow up in church as it is to have never been exposed to God, church, Salvation. It may be more dangerous... this is a deep subject and I'd have to give it more thought. I'm sure people would argue either way. I'll just start out with my story....
For as long as I can remember, I have gone to church. Many people share their testimonies and can give an exact time when they first heard of Jesus and salvation. They have a life altering moment where they turn their lives over and they never look back. I never had that. It seems that I've always known.
I was baptized when I was around 9. I barely remember the experience and I'm pretty sure I only did it cause I wanted to be baptized like everyone else. In all my years, I don't think I've ever believed that I was baptized for the right reasons.
When I was 15, my friend, her brother, and I went to a Christian summer camp. It was awesome. During one of the events we all gathered around a huge campfire... people shared their hearts, people gave their hearts to Jesus, people stood to be prayed with. I didn't stand, but I clearly remember wanting to. I have always been self-conscious... and during this campfire time I realized that God is all that matters. No one else's opinion matters in all the world. Nothing else matters (in the end) except God and an individuals relationship with him! I felt great. I felt free and open. I acted differently, because for a while I really lived like that was all that mattered. This is the time that I have always believed that I was saved. That was my testimony.
Then, enter the real world when I left the shelter (figurative) of home. Through high school and college I strayed. Besides my own admission that I was a Christian, no one would have guessed. I will not go into detail, because all that is not important. I will only say that I acted in ways that only God and I know. I lost my way in college. When I think back on my college days, I honestly don't think I was in my right mind. I pretty much quit college, and was forced to go home and tell my parents that they would not be seeing me graduate. It was all very traumatic. During a church service after I was back home, the pastor gave a message on being a cracked clay pot. The potter must break down the clay, moisten and remold the pot. That was me, I cried as I did a lot in those days. I thought, "That's what has happened. God had to break me all the way down and now he's building me back up. I strayed so far, this was the only way he could fix me."
From that time on, I was convinced I was changed. I really got into church, being active and serving. I listened to only Christian music. I stopped doing things I had done in the past. I really was trying to be a good Christian. It wasn't an act. I have struggled with being myself though. Around my church family, I would struggle between just letting go and being myself and being secure in the fact that I was saved even if I didn't say all the right things. I felt I had to act and be perfect. I wasn't of course, and I was constantly letting myself down. Every Sunday, when our pastor would give the invitation, I would say the prayer silently. Just in case. One day, as I was talking to my husband (obviously years have gone by at this point :-), I told him this whole story. He told me that I needed to be saved. I told him he was crazy....but inside I thought maybe he was right. But I was saved right? How could I not be? Sometimes after that he would nudge me during the invitation, but I would smile at him and nudge back as if he were joking. What would everyone think if after all this time I wasn't saved? What will my parents think? Don't judge.... I'm just telling you the truth! This is how my mind worked!
Right now we are looking for a new church since we just moved back to NC. We tried out a new one this morning. We decided to try this one because 1) they looked as though they had recently expanded their building which means they were growing and 2) it was close to our house. Before church, I looked up their website really quick and it reminded me of the last two churches we tried since we've been here and I decided I didn't want to try that church anymore. However, through a series of events we ended up going to this church anyways. I got out of our van still not wanting to go. It was only a few minutes into the praise and worship that my mind started reeling thought after thought after thought. Until my ultimate realization. I needed Jesus IN my heart, not my mind. That is the reason I am never satisfied. That is why I am constantly exhausted. I try to control everything and when I can't I break down. My load was TOO heavy and I needed to give it all away. I wanted that joy that comes from knowing that I am redeemed. ALL my sins are washed away and I don't have to think back on what might have been, beating myself up for bad decisions. Jesus is there waiting for me to just let Him love me! I just had to finally let go!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Spring is here!
Spring started off with a bang this morning. Booming and showering. I actually wasn't disappointed though. Had the kids put in Happy Feet 2 and we were poised to begin our day inside.
It soon stopped raining though, so we ventured out to find some rocks for a little project. There were of course puddles... and the tiniest went straight for them! I figured why fight it??
The day has cleared up. The skies are bright. Birds are singing. It's just BEAUTIFUL! lol! Can you tell I love spring?? ? God gives us so much to enjoy.... He is a Great God! He provided rain early in the day to help wash away some of the yellow stuff and now we can enjoy the first day of this new season!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Taking it a step further....
I am weak! lol
I have given in to the hype and made my own laundry detergent.
It wasn't even two months ago that I told my husband, " I've never had any desire to make my own laundry detergent". I remember the conversation. We were in the car.
BUT EVERYONE'S DOING IT! Could I sound any more like a tween? Obviously, not everyone is doing it, but it's becoming more and more common. Supposedly it works well, and saves a TON of money. I saw a breakdown on how much money you save by doing this and if I remember correctly, after making six batches you save around $70. We spent that much getting into the circus this past weekend. Buying laundry detergent in the store OR going to the circus with my family and watching my little girl have the time of her life??? There's no contest! Even if the store bought stuff smells heavenly.... lol
I used the recipe that I found here, however I used Fels Naptha soap. I didn't have the time or patience to order any special soap online.
Right now, my detergent is sitting on top of the washer doing its cooling thing. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I'll post after I've used it and let you know how it worked. My plan is to use this detergent, but still use the fabric softener (I like Downy) so hopefully our clothes still smell nice and fresh.
Alright, I can't let myself go without showing you where they break down how much you will save. If you care to have a look, here it is!
Happy Wednesday! We're more than halfway to the weekend! :-)
P.S Because no one else warns you... my eyes are burning from the melting soap! Open a window or two if you attempt to make this! :-)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
I Spy with a Twist
Got a child and need some entertainment for said child??? Here's an idea! I'll call it I Spy with a Twist. It's super easy, doesn't cost anything, and will provide entertainment for hours. Literally. My son wanted to play it over, and over, and over....I'll stop there, but I could keep going. :-)
How it works: The little one gets a color card, then they run to the other side of the room and pick an object that matches the color on the card. They run back to you, give you their item & card. They get a new color card.... and repeat. Simple!
How I prepared: I cut small "cards" out of different colored card stock and wrote the name of the color on the card. I then gathered all kinds of items that were the colors we would need. I tried to mix it up and get objects of different sizes and materials. I just chucked all of these into a big pile on one side of the room and we were ready! Easy, easy, easy!
I handed the cards to my son (his lil sis played too, but he had to help her) and then cheered him on as he ran to the other side of the room and picked out his object. Then I cheered him back over to me. This was good because it also allowed him to get some energy out before naptime! I made sure that there were multiple items to choose from for each color. He actually did awesome with this game.
As I write I imagine you can you do variations with this game depending on where your child is developmentally. My son is working on his colors so this was perfect for us. For older children you could put letters on your cards and make them pick objects that start with the letter. Or use numbers and let the child get that number of objects.
Happy Playing!
How it works: The little one gets a color card, then they run to the other side of the room and pick an object that matches the color on the card. They run back to you, give you their item & card. They get a new color card.... and repeat. Simple!
How I prepared: I cut small "cards" out of different colored card stock and wrote the name of the color on the card. I then gathered all kinds of items that were the colors we would need. I tried to mix it up and get objects of different sizes and materials. I just chucked all of these into a big pile on one side of the room and we were ready! Easy, easy, easy!
I handed the cards to my son (his lil sis played too, but he had to help her) and then cheered him on as he ran to the other side of the room and picked out his object. Then I cheered him back over to me. This was good because it also allowed him to get some energy out before naptime! I made sure that there were multiple items to choose from for each color. He actually did awesome with this game.
As I write I imagine you can you do variations with this game depending on where your child is developmentally. My son is working on his colors so this was perfect for us. For older children you could put letters on your cards and make them pick objects that start with the letter. Or use numbers and let the child get that number of objects.
Happy Playing!
Stay at home mom,
Friday, March 9, 2012
Homemade Baby Wipes
So, earlier in the week I went to grab a wipe refill and there were none! I know my husband just bought a large pack, but I had no idea where they would be! With a two year old and a one year old, wipes are very much needed in this house! This was the perfect opportunity for me to make something I had been wanting to try....
....homemade baby wipes!
At first the thought seemed a little to "frugal" for me, but then I thought can you really ever be tooo money conscience??? Besides we already had all of the ingredients... it couldn't hurt to try them out.
The recipe I used was from the Duggar book, "The Duggars: 20 and Counting". She's gotta know a little something after than many kids right?
Here is what we used:
My Helperoos assisted of course. Here's what we did:
Of course there are some pros and cons to the wipes. I personally like them, however they are a bit different. They are oily, have way more moisture (they drip once you get toward the middle), and they break more easily. I feel like they actually cleaned better though... it took less wipes to get through an episode of #2. They ONLY wipes that we have been able to use on our daughter were Pampers Sensitive, everything else just irritated her really really bad. These didn't! A super plus!
I am going to continue making these and keeping them on hand for my use with the kids, but my hubby is a "Pampers snob" (his words lol) and doesn't care for our new wallet-friendly version :-). At least this cuts down on the amount of Pamper wipes we have to purchase!
....homemade baby wipes!
At first the thought seemed a little to "frugal" for me, but then I thought can you really ever be tooo money conscience??? Besides we already had all of the ingredients... it couldn't hurt to try them out.
The recipe I used was from the Duggar book, "The Duggars: 20 and Counting". She's gotta know a little something after than many kids right?
Here is what we used:
- Half a roll of paper towels ( Just cut the whole thing in half so they basically look like toilet paper rolls. Mrs. Duggar said the only kind that work are Bounty... that worked out well for us since that's what we happened to have.)
- 2 cups water
- 1 tbs of rubbing alcohol
- 2 tbs of baby oil
My Helperoos assisted of course. Here's what we did:
- Cut the paper towel roll in half (just a little messy). Place in large bowl
- Mix water, alcohol and baby oil in separate bowl
- Pour over paper towel roll and let soak for 30 minutes.
- Remove cardboard roll from middle. And they are ready!
Of course there are some pros and cons to the wipes. I personally like them, however they are a bit different. They are oily, have way more moisture (they drip once you get toward the middle), and they break more easily. I feel like they actually cleaned better though... it took less wipes to get through an episode of #2. They ONLY wipes that we have been able to use on our daughter were Pampers Sensitive, everything else just irritated her really really bad. These didn't! A super plus!
I am going to continue making these and keeping them on hand for my use with the kids, but my hubby is a "Pampers snob" (his words lol) and doesn't care for our new wallet-friendly version :-). At least this cuts down on the amount of Pamper wipes we have to purchase!
Comeback Friday
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Copyright: Me & My Peas Photography |
Well hellooooo there.........
A lot has changed since my last post! Wow.... that was over 6 months ago. My husband took a new job which no allows me to stay home without having to make my own money on the side. God had truly blessed our family. The new job also required our little family to move to NC... back to where I am from. Though I am missing GA, we are close my parents now and so the kids are getting to know their "Mugga and Papa" :-).
Most of my picture taking is now of my two little busy bees. We'll just say their childhood is being well documented!
I just got a new lens and I am in love! The top picture was taken with the new lens... it's a Nikkor 35 mm F/1.8. Loooove it. It doesn't zoom though. That took some getting used to.
Yesterday we planted our first herb garden (just the Helperoos and I) and they also helped me wash the van and I am ashamed to say that I didn't take ONE picture! Not a one!!! Second point of shame: this was the first time the van has been washed since I last updated this blog. Eh....what can you say? It's clean now! lol
Anyways, I intend to update this thing regularly. No real theme.... just whatever we happen to do or think or just think someone needs to read. I actually already have a couple of other topics I wanted to share with everyone. It's a rainy day... maybe I'll get those up.
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